This happened on March 15. Et tu Frosty? And then it melted by the next day... I really need to start working on this boat, but it needs to be dry and warm to really do the things that need doing.
It's been a few days and my Dinghy is still hard, so I'm going to call that a win. The new valve covers are holding, and no leaks found in the air chambers. There was a leak in the hull to air chamber joint that I had plugged and replugged over time and distance using 5200 and flex-seal. I gently tugged at the tapes holding the hull on. Dried glue dust and bright sunlight induced a sneeze and being the polite sort, I invoked a deity. Now I must have mumbled because the Universe misheard what I said, the bottom dropped off the dinghy and a portal opened where there had previously been none. Said portal lead to a parallel dimension virtually identical to our own. As of this posting, no visitors from the other side have come through, but I do have a Keurig, just in case.

All of the materials from Sailrite arrived. 3 packages, dozens of smaller parts, big rolls of Sunbrella and Strataglass. Kits to make a new Dodger and Sail Cover. I fired up my Mom's old Singer sewing machine, and found to be in working order.... A bunch of multi layer seams in some scrap denim as a test. Today I ordered a more powerful motor for the singer, the old one worked, but seemed a bit weak for the job.
We also received an inexpensive bimini top. I will be incorporating that into a complete cockpit enclosure. There is lots of work to do.
The Bimini cautions against running the boat at speeds greater than 45 Miles per hour. I know it will be difficult, but I will try.
Snow day or not, Ming's is right at the bottom of my hill. The battle against snow and cold demanded some comfort food. ...and with comfort food, sometimes there is some comfort wisdom.
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